How Childcare Centres Are Implementing Technology


When you consider how far-reaching the digital transformation of our world has been – from schools to supermarkets – it’s no surprise that childcare centres have also been transformed by technology as well. Children have been digital natives for nearly two decades so it makes perfect sense for childcare to implement digital tools and teaching methods right from the start. The innovations have been overwhelmingly positive, with kids growing up learning all the necessary skills for different stages of their lives. 

Childcare centres large and small are all-embracing technology in one form or another. If you’re looking for a centre, it’s important to imagine how places like Zuccoli Early Learners use technology to improve teaching methods that will help your child grow and develop. Here are some of the ways they do it. 

Learning Tools

Technology already plays a large part in your children’s life, so childcare centres leverage that knowledge by including online learning and games in their curriculum. They tend to be more interactive and fun, and help kids to learn essential skills faster. They also provide remote learning opportunities. 

Researching and Exploring

Imagine exploring the world with the click of a button. Using technology to research online opens a thrilling and tangible way to stimulate learning about topics that interest your child. Teaching resources become limitless and with it the centre’s capacity to engage and educate kids in their care.

Creative Apps

The development of thinking and reasoning skills is where creative apps are at their best. Giving children control in a space where they can unleash their imagination encourages creativity, problem solving and developmental skills. Drawing and painting apps are ideal for these kinds of activities (and they won’t get paint on their clothes either!)


One of the greatest things about digital technology is the way it lets people connect over vast distances. This is the same in childcare, opening up terrific learning opportunities and the ability to bring loved ones into the (virtual) classroom.

The online world can be a dangerous place so it’s incredibly important that your childcare centre understands the security implications of digital learning. Many will operate in a closed circuit where the outside world can not get in. All the same, parental-controls and supervision standards is something you should discuss with the teaching staff.


One of the great benefits of technology is how communication between parents and teachers is vastly improved. Collaboration tools and virtual platforms give you greater access to and engagement with your child’s learning program. 

Just remember: all this technology means a lot more screen time (for you and for them). While these tools allow your children to learn vital skills, it’s incredibly important that your centre knows how to balance digital learning with good, old-fashioned teaching methods, games, and sport. Your child will only truly thrive when the mix of emotional, social, physical, and digital learning is in harmony. It’s up to you to make sure it is.

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